Where we are
Duoccio s.r.l.
Via Veneziano, 28 - 45010 - GAVELLO (Rovigo) ITALY.

There are two ways to reach our headquarter in Gavello.
Who is coming from Austria, from East and Central Italy, should turn down the motorway “A13 Padova-Bologna”, go out at the toll-house in Boara and take the direction to Rovigo.
Here one must follow the indications to Adria and to Gavello (S.R. 443) for about 12 km to reach the built-up area of Gavello.
While if you are coming from Western Italy, from Germany, from Switzerland or France, you must reach first Verona and then take the “Transpolesana” (S.S. 434).
When arrived in Rovigo you should continue with direction Interporto-Ceregnano-Gavello for 14 km so you will arrive close to Gavello.
© DUOCCIO S.r.l. - 2009 Created by DBA Lab S.p.A.